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Denis Gorce-Bourge

Executive Coach - Facilitator - Trainer - Consultant - Therapist - Author - Speaker


I created GB Life Coaching in 2006 in London. The core idea behind it was to bring simple, organic and gentle support to organisations and individuals in search for greater performance with less stress and more happiness. Awareness always has been at the centre of the work as everything else comes as a result of realisations and new ways to look and perceive situations. 

Amazing opportunities have been offered to me to work in different industries in many parts of the world.  This has also given me the privilege to encounter many cultures bringing fantastic experiences along the way. 

I am French, born and raised in Geneva and living in London for 15 years. I grew up in a very international environment and developed from early age a strong interest for diversity.

What I do today is the result of a lifelong Personal and Spiritual Development process. I only speak about what I know, what I have observed and experienced. 

​One important thing that I noticed is that Management and Leadership are about one thing only and this is Personal Development. It is only when you start to dive that you find treasures, new skills, new reality, new confidence and calm to be who you really are. 

I am a certified Coach, NLP Master, certified Practitioner of Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Psycho-Kinesiology and Reiki. I am also fully trained in Visualisation and Transactional Analysis.

Specialist in Mindfulness with 30 years’ experience (Buddhist meditation, Raja Yoga, Mindfulness, Transcendental Meditation).

As a Coach, I have over 20 years’ experience including extensive research and training in Conflict Resolution (Arnold Mindell, USA).

I am now specialised in helping organisations and individuals to develop mindful presence, consciousness and clarity.

Change can only occur in the present moment. Ingredients such as Trust, care and cooperation affect the overall performance of any organisation. The programmes that I deliver are based on those principles and combine individual and group coaching, workshop facilitation and executive meeting observation.

I am the Principal of GB Life Coaching Ltd and work in close collaboration with other professionals and organisations in this field.  

The second part of my activity is for individuals, as a Therapist, Spiritual and Life Coach.

We now bring a very heartful knowledge and experience to organisations, where people are the real key to transform any organisation.

About Me: About Me
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